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SOLE - The International Society of Logistics
About the LogisticsWorld Directory

The LogisticsWorld™ Directory offers service and contact information from various companies and organizations in the transportation, logistics, and supply chain industry.

Any organization or business in transportation and logistics is invited to add their service and contact information. Directory listings are free, and offered as a service of LogisticsWorld.

You can use the LogisticsWorld Directory to make your products and services known to potential customers. If you're looking for a particular product or service, you can browse or search the directory to find it. Then, you can use the contact information provided to contact the company or organization.

How to Add a Listing

"Click here to Add Your Business or Organization" and enter your information in the form provided.

You will be contacted by email when your listing has been reviewed for final inclusion in the directory. Please allow up to two weeks for your listing to be reviewed. Please note: LogisticsWorld reserves the right to edit your listing, as well as final approval for including your listing in the LogisticsWorld Directory.


DISCLAIMER: LogisticsWorld™ retains full right and discretion to remove your listing at any time for reason of entry errors that result in corrupted HTML markup or for any inappropriateness. LogisticsWorld makes no guarantee regarding the accessibility of your listing and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information displayed. LogisticsWorld assumes no liability for loss or damage resulting from your submission of information to the LogisticsWorld Directory. Information you submit to the LogisticsWorld Directory is used for the purposes of display in the LogisticsWorld Directory and the management of that directory. Submitting your information to the LogisticsWorld Directory constitutes authorization to publish your listing in the directory, and agreement to the terms and conditions of the listing outlined here.

Additional information is available on the Legal Information page.


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