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![]() ![]() News and Publications News Sources Associated Press News Search: Logistics Washington Post News Search: Logistics Yahoo News Headlines Search: Logistics Latest Logistics News from InfoSeek News and Publications 154 URLs, Summaries current as of: 11/28/96 ACQWeb - What's New - Images/Links: 2, 36 - ACQWeb - What's New ACQWeb is constantly updated. Only the highest-reaching and revolutionary changes make their way to this section. If you have interest in a particular office, use the Office Navigator or Office Index to visit that area's What's New section. Nov 20: Open System Survey Underway The Open Systems Joint Task Force is conducting a survey to gather information on the present level of awareness and implementation of open systems within DOD's weapons systems acquisition community and to determine what areas should receive our highest priority attention.Air Chronicles - Images/Links: 6, 14 - Airpower Journal Fall 96 Edition Reviewed by Point Communications as " a great insight into the modern Air Force. Current Issues What's New Please take a moment to let us know what you think by completing our survey. Air Force Journal of Logistics - Images/Links: 0, 9 - Air Force Journal of Logistics This page has been accessed 2344 times since 8 Feb 96. The primary mission of the Office of the Air Force Journal of Logistics is to publish the Air Force Journal of Logistics, the Air Force's only professional journal for logistics, engineering, and services. In addition to publishing the Air Force Journal of Logistics, the Office also publishes the annual Air Force Logistics Management Agency Information Brochure and periodic AFLMA LOG-O-GRAM. The Journal's address is as follows: Maxwell AFB, Gunter Annex AL 36114-3236 Air Force News Service - Images/Links: 1, 29 - Air Force News Service (AFNS) (updated daily) Air Force Link Saudi Relocation and Desert Strike special pages Calendar -- Public events hosted by the Air Force Free e-mail subscription to Air Force News Service Major Command News Air Combat Command (ACC) Air Education and Training Command (AETC) Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) Air Mobility Command (AMC) Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Air Force Reserve (AFRES) US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) Radio news -- Air Force news in RealAudio format (updated daily) Retiree news -- The latest news for the Air Force retiree community Other News American Forces Press Service -- News concerning the U.S. military BosniaLINK -- Information related to Operation Joint Endeavor DefenseLINK News -- Defense Department news(updated daily) Electronic Earlybird -- Defense-related news clippings in MaxMate format (. mil only) GulfLINK -- Persian Gulf War Veterans Illnesses Task Force information Other sources -- DoD, Federal Government and related news sources Voice of America Newswires -- Overseas news (updated daily) Air University Press Publications - Images/Links: 0, 0 Airman Magazine - Images/Links: 2, 24 - Magazine of America's Air Force 'Our Commitment Was Stronger Than Our Fear' Thirty years ago, this Reserve general took a stand. Cover: Operation Joint Endeavor The Air Force moves people and equipment to and around Europe. Composite wing proves worth over Egypt's desert. American President Lines, APL - Images/Links: 2, 3 - Welcome to American President Lines Please send us your comments. Copyright APL Limited, 1996. American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Publications - Images/Links: 3, 5 - Quality Press - Use the Quality InfoSearch for a comprehensive listing of Quality Press titles. ASQC is the nations largest publisher of books about quality. ASQCs Quality Press offers peer-reviewed information ranging from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. The Quality Press catalog, produced twice a year, includes hundreds of books, videotapes, audiotapes, standards, technical documents, and software. Quality Progress Quality Progress magazine reaches more than 240,000 readers each month. ANSI: News and Upcoming Events - Images/Links: 8, 7 - ANSI Federation News ANSI Press Releases Other News of Interest Plan for Implementation of The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 Calendar of Events Send feedback to ANSI Copyright © ANSI, 1996 APICS-The Performance Advantage - Images/Links: 12, 16 - Lionheart Publishing is a full-service, high quality publishing company. We publish various magazines, newsletters, books, and information technology reports. We also offer a complete range of services, including publication start-ups, editorial, design and production, marketing, subscription/circulation services, and publication management. Below is an index of Lionheart's products and services. BDO Seidman LLP Comprehensive Guide to Manufacturing Software 1996 Find out more about this essential tool for selecting manufacturing software Software Surveys A handy index to the online versions of all of Lionheart Publishing's software surveys APICS - The Performance Advantage The monthly membership magazine of APICS - the Educational Society For Resource Management. Be sure to include your company in the 1997 APICS Buyers Guide by filling out the online form. ASQC Publications - Images/Links: 3, 5 - Quality Press - Use the Quality InfoSearch for a comprehensive listing of Quality Press titles. ASQC is the nations largest publisher of books about quality. ASQCs Quality Press offers peer-reviewed information ranging from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. The Quality Press catalog, produced twice a year, includes hundreds of books, videotapes, audiotapes, standards, technical documents, and software. Quality Progress Quality Progress magazine reaches more than 240,000 readers each month. ASQC Quality News - Images/Links: 0, 0 Automatic ID News - Images/Links: 4, 17 - Automatic I.D. News: The Bar Code Plus Place Your online resource for the latest automatic data capture technology. Automatic I.D. News gives you all the latest information on getting data into a computer without utilizing a keyboard--whether it's by Bar Code Scanning, Magnetic Stripe reading, Radio Frequency Data Communication (RF/DC), Radio Frequency Identification (RF/ID), Contact Memory Tag, EDI, Mobile Computing, Smart Card, Optical Card, OCR, Biometrics, Voice Recognition or other Automatic Data Capture or Automatic Identification technology. What's New Technology Insights Application Ideas New Products Books/Conferences/Links to other resources Print Your Name in a Bar Code About the Magazine Meet our Advertisers How to Advertise Advanstar Communications Copyright © Advanstar Communications Automatic ID News, Literature Resources - Images/Links: 12, 6 - A 10-page brochure on label holders and label placement systems covers solutions for labeling pallets, parts bins, wire baskets, gas cylinders and the company's EZ-View bar code label channels. A free machine vision products and services directory covers all aspects of the industry in 40 color pages. It covers the company's own line of products as well as systems integrators and complementary products. The company's AccuTouch HL resistive touchscreens are described in this free data sheet. Includes technical specifications like terminal dimensions, screen resolution, display sizes and software options. The HazMat CD-ROM library for Windows simplifies searching for federal regulations, like the HazMat Table, the Federal Register and statutes. BIFAlink, British International Freight Association Newsletter - Images/Links: 24, 22 - BIFAlink January Issue Welcome to BIFAlink The staff at the secretariat would like to wish all readers of BIFAlink a Very Happy And Prosperous New Year ! All prices indicated within BIFAlink are subject to change without prior notice, it is therefore adivisable to confirm all prices with Jane Robinson at BIFA before placing orders. The following are only available to BIFA Trading Members: BIFA Standard Trading Conditions (including bromide of STCs), BIFA House Bills of Lading, FIATA Bills of Lading, FIATA Forwarders Certificate of Receipt. Books for Logistics - Images/Links: 4, 4 - This page is part of the Hoffmann Services Maritime Pages. It is reached from the Logistics Menu Page. To return to the Maritime Home Page, see the bottom of this page. The books on this list are arrayed alphabetically by their titles and include the price of each book with ordering information. Please contact the publishers listed if you wish to place an order. Adding Value: A Systematic Guide to Business-Driven Management and Leadership. Bureau of Transportation Statistics SMART Library - Images/Links: 0, 0 Business Systems Magazine - Images/Links: 2, 5 - Welcome to Business Systems Magazine, the source for essential information in Document Management, Data Collection, Point of Sale information, and more! We've placed articles from two of our issues on line for your to review, plus a table of contents for each issue to give you a feel for the styles of articles and information we publish in Business Systems Magazine. If you feel the information will help you in your business, please fill out our subscription form, and we will start your subscription right away! Enjoy your visit and we hope this information helps you and your business! Table of Contents & Sample Articles Table of Contents & Sample Articles Subscribe to Business Systems Magazine Business Wire 1996 - Images/Links: 6, 7 - Business Wire 1996 Business Wire | The Business Wire site had hits yesterday The BW 96 site v4.0 is Netscape 2.0+ enhanced for text only browsers please click here Cahners Publishing - Images/Links: 4, 9 - - - Go to any Cahners publication - - Alimentos Procesados Bakery Production and Marketing Biomedical Products Broadband Systems & Design Broadcasting & Cable Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook Broadcasting & Cable International Building Design & Construction CabinetMaker Cheese Market News Chemical Equipment Construction & Building Magazine Construction Equipment Consulting-Specifying Engineer Contractor Magazine Control Engineering Converting Magazine Daily Variety Dairy Foods Datamation Design News EDN EDN Asia EDN China EDN Products Edition Electronic Business Asia Electronic Business Today Electronic News Electronic Packaging & Production F&B Business FDM Furniture Design & Manufacturing Fiberoptic Product News Food Manufacturing Foodservice Equipment & Supplies Specialist Furniture Today Government Computer News Graphic Arts Monthly Home Accents Today Home Textiles Today Hotels Industrial Distribution Industrial Product Bulletin Industry Mag In-Stat InStore Interior Design Laboratory Equipment Lasers & Optronics Library Journal Logistics Management Material Handling Product News Medical Care Products Metalworking Digest Modern Materials Handling Moving Pictures International MPTV Moving Pictures Television Packaging Digest Pharmaceutical Processing Plant Engineering Pollution Engineering Powder/Bulk Solids Prepared Foods Professional Builder Publishers Weekly Purchasing Research & Development Reseller Management Restaurants & Institutions Restaurants & Institutions Marketplace Scan Tech News School Library Journal Scientific Computing & Automation Security Security Distributing & Marketing Semiconductor International Supply House Times Surgical Products Television Asia Test & Measurement Europe Test & Measurement World Tradeshow Week TWICE Upholstery Design & Manufacturing... Cambridge University Press - Images/Links: 0, 0 CiME (Computer Integrated Manufacture & Engineering - Images/Links: 12, 16 - Lionheart Publishing is a full-service, high quality publishing company. We publish various magazines, newsletters, books, and information technology reports. We also offer a complete range of services, including publication start-ups, editorial, design and production, marketing, subscription/circulation services, and publication management. Below is an index of Lionheart's products and services. BDO Seidman LLP Comprehensive Guide to Manufacturing Software 1996 Find out more about this essential tool for selecting manufacturing software Software Surveys A handy index to the online versions of all of Lionheart Publishing's software surveys APICS - The Performance Advantage The monthly membership magazine of APICS - the Educational Society For Resource Management. Be sure to include your company in the 1997 APICS Buyers Guide by filling out the online form. CONNECTNet - Images/Links: 0, 0 Continuous Journey Magazine - Images/Links: 5, 17 - The American Productivity & Quality Center Benchmarking How to Avoid the Traps of Benchmarking Customer Satisfaction Richard A. Wargo, Honeywell, June/July 94 Exploding the Myths of Benchmarking by Anne Feltus, Feltus/McFarlane Communications, April 94 Out of the Box Benchmarking by Carla O'Dell, Ph.D., President,American Productivity & Quality Center, April 94 Aligning Human Resources to Business Objectives by Lia Smith, American Productivity & Quality Center, January 1995 Benchmarking Success Stories North American Coal: A Benchmarking Success Story by Laurie W. Payne, January 1995 United States Airforce: A Benchmarking Success Story by Vicki J. Powers, January 1995 Sprint Corp. : Blending in Benchmarking with Quality by Vicki J. Powers, January 1995 Reengineering Success Stories CIGNA Corporation: Laying New Organizational Roots with Reengineering by Vicki J. Powers, January 1995 Pacific Bell: Keeping Up with the Customers by by Laurie W. Payne, January 1995 Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. : Increasing Employee Participation by Laurie W. Payne, January 1995 Total Quality Success Stories Redstone Hotels, Inc. Making Quality Worthwhile by Laurie W. Payne, January 1995 Penton Publishing: Using Teams for Strategic Improvements by Laurie W. Payne, January 1995 The Iams Company Building Quality From Day One by Vicki J. Powers, January 1995 Counterpoint Publishing - Images/Links: 5, 26 - Product Information & Free Demos Daily Federal Register & Archives Current Code of Federal Regulations Government Contract Advisor Nuclear Information Service Texas Register Cyber Publishing - Images/Links: 25, 54 - Cyber Publishing: Top Links to Multimedia, Logistics, Search Engines index links multimedia internet intranet index links multimedia internet intranet index links multimedia internet intranet index links multimedia int about multimedia, intranet, logistics, technolgies necessary for setting up cyber ventures (web-counter: July 27, 1996) index links multimedia internet intranet index links multimedia internet intranet index links multimedia internet intranet index links multimedia int If you want to set up your cyber venture, you have to take care of seamless logistic management in Cyberspace. Here there are sites that can help you get a view of the state of the art. cyberSpokesman, Air Force Online Magazine - Images/Links: 0, 0 Data Collection and Identification Online - Images/Links: 2, 14 - [The Scan Tech Show] . [Industry News & AIM Press Releases] [ADC References & Resources] . Defense Link - Images/Links: 2, 52 - DefenseLINK will be off line 0500 - 0545 hours EDT Tuesday, 9 July, for system upgrade. --> Secretary of Defense William Perry and Deputy Secretary John White would like to welcome you to DefenseLINK, the World-Wide Web Information Service from the Department of Defense. > > TOP STORY < < We invite you to visit the American Forces Information Service WWW site for information about the Department's internal news, visual information, entertainment, and educational services; and the American Forces Press Service WWW site to read news and view photographs of Department of Defense activities. We also invite you to visit BosniaLINK, the official DoD information system about U.S. military activities in Operation Joint Endeavor. BosniaLINK now includes access to TALON, the newspaper serving the soldiers of Task Force Eagle, and to the Implementation Force (IFOR) fact sheets. Defense Transportation Journal - Images/Links: 16, 24 - Objectives of NDTAOrganizational ElementsNational OfficersFunctional CommitteesMilitary AirliftMilitary SealiftSurface TransportationTransportation TechnologyPassenger Travel ServicesAssociation ProfileIndividual MembersChapter Locations (Note: this is a large graphic and may take time to download)Corporate Member CompaniesBecoming an Individual MemberBecoming a Corporate MemberBenefitsMembership ServicesThe NDTA FoundationThe Defense Transportation JournalAdvertisingAnnual Forums and Expositions - Dates/LocationsTransportation and Logistics TradeshowNDTA in ReviewNDTA Committee Work AreasFeedback | Server StatisticsSite last modified: October 18, 1996. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, as Executive Agent to the NDTA Technology CommitteeVolpe Center, 55 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142 DISA:News:Home - Images/Links: 0, 0 Documents Page (Publications) - Images/Links: 0, 0 DTIC, Research, Development & Acquisition (RD&A) Information Support Directorate - Images/Links: 2, 15 - The Research, Development & Acquisition Information Support Directorate The Research, Development & Acquisition (RD&A) Information Support Directorate at the Defense Technical Information Center RD&A Support provides: Innovative information technologies Information analysis and consultation Electronic information systems Technical studies and analysis Reference tools Referrals Answers RD&A Support is: E-Hawk, University of Kansas - Images/Links: 0, 1 - E-HAWK has united with MIL-HIST and De re militari to form the central site for all Web military access. This magnificent new site is now up at http://www.olcommerce.com/cadre/index.html. EDIWorld - Images/Links: 10, 11 - For additional information contact EDI WORLD at ediworld@ix.netcom.com or 1-800-336-4887. Come back often, as this site will continue to grow in the coming weeks. Eurofreight News - Images/Links: 0, 0 Eurofreight News Net - Images/Links: 2, 16 - All material in this section is the copyright of Eurofreight. No item may be copied or reproduced without permission. Today's News Traffic & Routing Vehicle News International Service Operator News Weather Logistic News Manufacturing News Legislation News Component News Vehicle Test Result Deals Feature ArticlesSubmit News Story RETURN TO THE EUROFREIGHT HOMEPAGE Executive Summary for the EC/EDI Report - Images/Links: 0, 0 FedWorld Information Network - Images/Links: 15, 46 - FedWorld Information Network Home Page FedWorld Information Network File, Jobs and Web Databases Updated Daily Search the FedWorld Web site with one or two keywords: What is the NTIS/FedWorld Information Network? The Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1996 (116th edition) is now available from NTIS. Five logistics officer careers merge - Images/Links: 2, 3 - Five logistics officer careers merge Five logistics officer careers merge WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Five officer logistics specialties merged into a single specialty at the lieutenant colonel level and above Oct. The consolidation comes after a two-year reorganization effort by representatives from all the major air commands and the Air Staff. It will immediately affect about 1,200 officers, and eventually up to 4,000, officials said. The objective is to expand logistics officers' knowledge and experience, maximize their value to the Air Force and increase their opportunities for selection to positions of leadership and responsibility, they said. Foreign Trade Information System - SICE - Images/Links: 4, 21 - [Text only] en Français The FTAA Process Information on the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) process Trade in Action and investment information Investment Treaties Full text of bilateral investment treaties Global Logistics Best Practice: An Intermediate Research Report - Images/Links: 1, 14 - Global Logistics Best Practice: An Intermediate Research Report Global Logistics Best Practice: Eli Broad Graduate School of Management Michigan State University Introductory Letter from Donald J. Bowersox Global Logistics Best Practice: An Intermediate Research Report Intermediate Research Overview Overall Perspective North American Regional Analysis European Regional Analysis Pacific Regional Analysis Country Index Score Comparisons World Class Propositions Conclusion Appendix Search the Global Logistics Best Practice Documents Guide to EDI Translation Software, LMI - Images/Links: 2, 10 - Copyright 1994 Logistics Management Institute (H. Frohman). Unauthorized copying, distribution, and/or duplication prohibited by law. The Logistics Management Institute's A Guide to EDI Translation Software, 1994 Edition is available in Microsoft Word For Windows format, version 6.0. The guide was developed under the Logistics Management Institute's Independent Research and Development program pursuant to a contract with the Department of Defense. LMI does not endorse any products referred to herein and hereby disclaims all warranties- express or implied as to fitness or purpose, suitability, merchantability, or any other warranty implied by the laws of a particular jurisdiction. Please note, to download directly using Mosaic make sure you have set "Load to Disk" under the "Options" menu. HQ AFMC Lean Logistics - Images/Links: 3, 15 - DSN 787-7771 fax: (513)476-1664 LL Information Process Description LL Plans Briefings Marketing Pacer Lean MAJCOMs ALCs SLMC NSNs Tech Talk Process Support Lab CREP NOTE:All sections except SLMC are restricted to military/government access only. SLMC is open to the public. If anyone has any other Lean Logistics, PACER LEAN, or Reengineering information that they would like to share with others, please email it to benedid@wpgate1.wpafb.af.mil and I'll post it here. This page has been accessed times since 1 April 96. HQUSACE Directorate of Logistics, Logistics NEWS - Images/Links: 0, 0 I&L Online - Images/Links: 11, 15 IBM infoSage - Images/Links: 6, 16 - Your Business News and Information Service IBM infoSage just keeps getting better. There's so much information available today from so many sources, that today's business professionals need a filter to keep up with what's relevant to them. With IBM infoSage you can get customized, streamlined news and information, specifically tailored to your requirements. Save Time: Now you can stop spending valuable time wading through piles of magazines, or surfing through dead-end web sites. IBM infoSage will deliver to your desktop only the business news and information you select, to keep you more competitive. INFORMS - Images/Links: 0, 0 Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Working Paper Series, Duke University - Images/Links: 3, 2 - In an effort to reorganize our home directory, we have moved http://www.stat.duke.edu/papers/ Institute of Transport Studies, Internal Publications, University of Sydney - Images/Links: 2, 14 - ITS has an extensive publishing record. This page brings together the products of its internal publication program. All listed ITS publications are available for order, as are past ATRF conference proceedings. An order form is available to print and return. TPW Policy Perspectives ITS Working Paper Series ITS Research Report Series ATRF Proceedings Order Form TPW Policy Perspectives is an annual publication of a series of papers presented by eminent transport professionals to the Transport Policy Workshop lecture series held at ITS. Interational Newsletter - Images/Links: 1, 49 - Content: European Logistics Network New Cooperation Agreements Robotics and Literature in L.A. Spatial Planning - Michigan and the Philippines Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech TEMPUS project initiated ENVIROTRACE Energy and Environment Foreign Students at the University of Dortmund Services for foreign students at the University of Dortmund Introductory Phase Accompanying Programme Intercultural Events Address for various Problems Public Relations Internationality in Teaching Human Failure The H-Bahn An economical and environment-friendly suspended automatic urban transit system Priority for public transportation From Dortmund to the world? The Universitys best Friends Different News New Auditorium Maximum Penrose in the Audimax Cup went to the Netherlands European Logistics Network A European logistics group initiated by the Technical University of Eindhoven (TUE) started its work on December 15th, 1994. The group goes by the name of "European University Network in Logistics" (EUNiL). Six institutes of education signed the agreement in Cardiff (Wales). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Library - Images/Links: 2, 3 - This page has been visited 15659 times since 2 August, 1995. This site is best viewed using Netscape 2.0 or higher International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Publications - Images/Links: 8, 7 - Information Kit for ICAO's 50th Anniversary International Journal of Operations and Production Management - Images/Links: 1, 20 - Dr Bernard Burnes Printed Volume: 17 No. of Issues: 12 1997 Subscription Includes: Extra Pagination CD-ROM Archive with Site Licence Internet Continuous Publishing with Site Licence Full Internet Archive Journal services: Review the promotional leaflet Subscribe to the journal with our on-line order form View Internet conferences sponsored by the journal Offer to run a conference on a topic of your choice Editorial details of the journal Browse selected articles from the journal Request subscription details Review full journal contents pages and abstracts, including issues yet to be dispatched You can join the International Journal of Operations and Production Management electronic mailing list by e-mailing the message subscribe international-journal-of-operations-and-production-management to our listserver majordomo@mcb.co.uk This is one of the journals which together make up EMERALD, the electronic research library of MCB's management titles on CD-ROM. Human Resource Network | International Journal of Operations and Production Management: Conferences - Images/Links: 1, 5 - Internet conferences sponsored by the journal. Please read this before joining a conference To join a conference directly from the Worldwide Web you will need the Netscape browser (version 1.1 or higher). Alternatively you can access conferences by making use of a stand-alone news reader. Please click on the button below for a list of Internet conferences sponsored by the journal. [Journal Homepage] [Virtual Conference Centre] [Propose a Conference] ITS Online, The Independent Forum for Intelligent Transportation Systems - Images/Links: 5, 2 - ITS Online Has Moved! ITS Online has moved to a faster web site with a simpler address: Jane's Electronic Information System, Jane`s Defense and Aerospace Information - Images/Links: 1, 9 - & Jane's Information Group. Demonstration (see Instructions) Sign-in Overview Comments Frequently Asked Questions Send questions or comments to webmaster@btg.com JCALS WWW On-Line - Images/Links: 12, 40 - Welcome to the Joint Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support World-Wide Web Server Last Updated: November 5, 1996 You are vistor number . Our site is best viewed using a HTML 2.0 browser such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer or NCSA Mosaic. Some HTML 3.2 features such as tables and client-side image maps are implemented at this site. Leading Edge, AFMC - Images/Links: 2, 2 - This document was last modified 29-Jul-96 08:19 Library of Congress, Internet Resources - Images/Links: 2, 4 - This Page is No Longer Available The Explore the Internet section has been revised. The resources have been reorganized and are available from the new Explore the Internet Page. The resources that used to be on this page are now available at http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/explore.html List of Public Release Documents - Images/Links: 3, 22 - List of Public Release Documents This list contains a selection of MITRE documents, most of which were published after January 1994. We will host the electronic files of these documents in the future and include a text search capability. Where applicable, we have provided order numbers for the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) and Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) for the documents. Data Management Information Systems Communications Sensors Networks Information Security Modeling, Prototyping, and Simulation Image and Signal Processing Software Education and Training Theater Battle Managment (TBM) Human Computer Interface (HCI) Specification Support | LogiSTAR, Press/Media - Images/Links: 2, 69 - Press/Media Search Page Back to Press/Media Search Page Air Cargo World American Shipper APICS Magazine AS/400 Magazine Automatic I.D. News Automation News Network Beverage World Canadian Transportation Candy Wholesaler Magazine Cargo Express Chemical Week Chicago Sun Times Chicago Tribune Commerce:Resource Commercial Carrier Journal Consumer Goods Manufacturer Container News Distribution Distribution Center Management EDI Executive EDI Monthly Report EDI News EDI Reporter EDI World Fleet Equipment Fleet Owner Florida Cargo News Food Service Distributor Heavy Duty Trucking High Tech Newswire ID Systems Inbound Logistics Industrial Distribution Industry Week Institute of Management and Administration (IOMA) Institutional Distribution Inventory Reduction Report Journal of Commerce (NY) Lionheart Publishing, Inc. Logistics / Computer Review Manufacturing Systems Magazine Material Handling Engineering Materials Management & Distribution Materials Management in Health Care Mid Range Computing Mid Range Systems Mid South Trucking News Milk & Liquid Food Transporter Modern Bulk Transporter Modern Materials Handling Pacific Shipper Progressive Railroading Purchasing Magazine Railway Age Refrigerated Transporter Traffic Management Traffic World Traffic World Transport Technology Publishing Transport Technology Today Transport Topics Transportation & Distribution Transportation Executive Update US Distribution Journal Utility Fleet Management Wall Street Journal Warehousing Management LoGISTICS Newsletter - Images/Links: 0, 0 Logistics, Planning and Scheduling - Images/Links: 1, 11 - Carnegie Group, Inc. Carnegie Group | All photographs from Picture Network International, Ltd.: | C-130 Cargo Plane | Laptop © Harry Giglio, 1996 | Managing Logistics - Images/Links: 0, 2 - Page moved. Click here and let us know. If you have previously bookmarked this page, you should update with its new location. Materials Management & Distribution - Images/Links: 10, 16 - MM&D is the authority on logistics--transportation, distribution, materials management, automatic identification and much more. If you are responsible for the storage, movement and/or handling of goods we have the information you need to succeed! Web Editor Dena Brooker: dbrooker@cycor.ca Copyright Maclean Hunter Publishing Ltd. Mobility Forum - Images/Links: 0, 0 Modern Materials Handling - Images/Links: 4, 11 - Modern Materials Handling is published 14 times a year and reaches 100,850 managers and engineers in 63,000 large manufacturing, warehousing and distribution locations. These managers and engineers have audited responsibility for recommending, specifying and buying equipment and systems to handle materials, manage inventories, and integrate manufacturing, warehousing and distribution operations. Modern Materials Handling serves the total information needs of these managers and engineers by covering the key aspects of planning systems, selecting equipment, managing operations and integrating information technologies required to move, store, control and protect materials and products throughout manufacturing, warehousing and distribution. Editorial Staff- Contacts for expertise and information Sales Staff- Contacts for advertising and market access opportunities Where advertising is just the beginning NAFTA Resource Center - Images/Links: 0, 0 NAFTAnet Communique: Logistics Technology in Mexico - Images/Links: 3, 7 - By Julio Lasky, Director for Mexico, Livingston Trade Services This article first appeared in the June 1995 edition of the Canadian Customs Guide. Some people believe that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) introduced logistics technology to Mexico. Long before NAFTA, good logistics links had been established throughout the country. On the one hand, large multinational companies set up operations with highly sophisticated physical distribution networks to ease distribution. On the other, Mexico itself has some world-class companies with advanced logistics. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - Images/Links: 21, 37 - National Archives and Records Administration Welcome to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA is the government agency responsible for overseeing the management of the records of the federal government. NARA ensures, for the Citizen and the Public Servant, for the President and the Congress and the Courts, ready access to essential evidence that documents the rights of American citizens, the actions of federal officials, and the national experience. Washington, DC area Archival Facilities Presidential Libraries Regional Archives Federal Records Centers Online Exhibit Hall: selected NARA exhibitions Gift Shop and Bookstore: publications and merchandise relating to NARA and its holdings The Digital Classroom: ideas, programs, and publications for the teacher Public Programs: conferences, training programs, lectures, films, tours, and other public events National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Library - Images/Links: 0, 0 National Defense Magazine - Images/Links: 0, 0 NAVAL LOGISTICS INSIGHT - Naval Logistics Engineering, Naval Sea Logistics Center, PA - Images/Links: 6, 4 - NAVAL LOGISTICS INSIGHT An Informational Focus on Current Logistics Issues and Initiatives at the Leading Edge of Naval Logistics Engineering Provided by Naval Sea Logistics Center This information resides on a DOD interest computer. Important conditions, restrictions, and disclaimers apply. News Items, National Information Center for Reliability Engineering - Images/Links: 8, 11 - RAMS 1997 RAMS Sysposium has new Web page . Visit it and learn about the meeting and see the opportunity of on-line registration. AMSAA Physics of Failure Newsletter To submit news items, mail them to : relpgm@eng.umd.edu Main Menu? Newshare(SM): The American Reporter - Images/Links: 0, 0 Newspage, Individual Inc. - Images/Links: 38, 57 - Novell Reports Strong Fourth Fiscal Quarter 1996 Results; 17 Cents Earnings Per Share On . STUDY HIGHLIGHTS BELIEF IN EVENTUAL ROLE FOR ITV Service/advertising market expected to . Talking Back to Bullies Watch your site's traffic soar when you join the Quick News Search: Banking, Finance & Real Estate NFIA - Review - Images/Links: 1, 0 - NFIA - Review LOOK AT THE NETHERLANDS More and more North American companies are finding themselves to be part of a global economy, where ideas, market demographics, create either opportunity or necessity to cross borders as readily as physical goods. Job growth and economic expansion in America has been fueled by exports.Trade, however, often does not represent a sufficient level of involvement in an overseas market. Direct investment puts a company next to its customers, in the local economy, in situations in which there is no next best thing to being there. Direct investment puts you in the same frame of mind and time frame as your customers. There are often geocultural differences that have an impact on the product, the sales method, the delivery stream, and on-going training and customer service requirements,--differences that need to be managed close to the market. NRAO NewsLetter No.63 April 1995, FTP - Images/Links: 0, 0 NTIS Information Product - Images/Links: 3, 5 - NewsLine This newsletter provides current information on NTIS and its products and services. In the Press Find out what people are saying about our organization, our products, and our services. NTIS Fax Direct® -- This section is currently being revised. With one telephone call, you can have vital product information sent to your fax machine. National Technical Information Service Overdrive Online - Images/Links: 11, 24 - Looking for the current issue of Overdrive Online? This week's top stories include: Goodyear honors truckers for heroic rescue Trucker Buddy program gets sponsors New software for truckers Government looking into fatal truck crashes Welcome to the February 1996 issue of Overdrive Online! This issue is full of articles, news updates, links to trucking sites, and great merchandise for truckers! Look what you missed by not subscribing to Overdrive! This month's cover story: 1996 Trucker of the Year Also: CyberTrucker - Trucking Issues - Trucking People - Pride & Polish Talk to OverdriveOnline, and hear what others have to say! Paracel Today Custom News - Images/Links: 2, 6 - Delivering advanced filtering solutions for one-to-one publishing. BioView TODAY & FDF/Biology Tool Kit & Paracel TODAY 2.0 Demo our custom news service! PointCast Network - Images/Links: 3, 6 - PointCast, Inc - Front Door. Download the PointCast Network | What is the PointCast Network PR Newswire - Images/Links: 31, 25 - Today's News delivers breaking stories searchable by industry, company, stock symbol or state, as well as by keywords and concept. Company News On-Call provides breaking stories as well as a one year archive of press releases issued by each participating company. Feature News Service delivers unusual and offbeat stories, how-to and advice stories, and people/human interest stories to Feature Editors. Industry Focus highlights news, links and services of interest to the Automotive, Entertainment, Healthcare/Biotech, Government/Politics and Technology industries. Money Talks' leading commentators provide financial insight. The New York Times Syndicate has launched two Internet sites - Computer News Daily and Your Health Daily - focusing on two specialized areas of interest to everyone - computers & technology and healthcare and medicine. Premenos' Electronic Commerce Resource Guide - Images/Links: 1, 8 - Partners in electronic data interchange (EDI) share common data transmission standards. These pages provide the standards, and also contain basic information about EDI. Discover the events, people, organizations, publications and other resources that exist to support EDI users. Premenos software is setting the electronic commerce agenda worldwide. These pages describe the company, its products, services and financial information. The latest updates and changes to the Premenos' Electronic Commerce Resource Guide, including how to hide or show frames. PRESSLine Datenbank - Images/Links: 12, 14 - More than 20,000 press releases are available at the present time. If you have any questions or recommandations please email to info@pressline.com or call PRESSline at 908-714-0620 or fax to 908-714-0605. The Business Service of PRESSline Prophesy News - Images/Links: 27, 25 - TaxTally Agency Release Third Party Logistics ISI is proud to introduce a new product, ShipperTPL, developed specifically for Third Party Logistics and Freight Forwarding companies. ShipperTPL allows these companies to make inbound/outbound shipping decisions based on least cost shipping factors while viewing the impact of alternatives on revenue and shipment profitability. ShipperTPL consolidates orders from a single shipper or multiple shippers into single shipments, builds optimized multi-stop truckloads where appropriate, analyzes consolidation or pool shipping alternatives to determine the optimal consolidation point or pool drop location, allocates shipment costs to the customer and order level, and calculates revenue and profit to the customer order level. Changes can be easily made to order, shipment, load and carrier information and the impact on cost, revenue and profit are instantly calculated and displayed. ShipperTPL can also boost customer satisfaction by providing a shipment tracking function so that dispatchers can check on where a shipment is and keep its customers informed of any change in delivery schedule. Publications 94, VTT Electronics, FI - Images/Links: 1, 3 - VTT Electronics/Embedded Systems: Publications 94 Risk function deployment - an extension of quality function deployment. Embedded software development using concurrent engineering techniques - experiences from the IPTES project. Using concurrent engineering in embedded software development - first experiences. On knowledge representation for high energy physics control systems. International Workshop on Current Trends in Data Acquisition and Control of Accelerators, CTDCA'94, Calcutta, India, December 1994. Reliability Analysis Center Journal Hub Page - Images/Links: 0, 0 Reliability Magazine - Images/Links: 28, 17 - RELIABILITY® magazine is the first trade journal dedicated specifically to Machinery Reliability, the Predictive Maintenance Industry, and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems. In every issue, we bring you articles on these important topics: Vibration Alignment Thermography Balancing Lubrication CMMS RCFA Maintenance Management Stragegies Training June Issue New Reliability Resources Books and (soon) Videotapes Get on the mailing list for the 1997 Machinery Reliability Conference, to be held April 20-23, at the Sheraton San Marcos Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. Information on the RELIABILITY® Desk Reference Resource Center Menu - Images/Links: 17, 15 - Resource Center Menu Rome Laboratory Reliability Sciences Status Report - Images/Links: 14, 13 - These publications are distributed approximately twice per year by the Electromagnetics & Reliability Directorate of Rome Laboratory. The articles contained in these publications are provided for information only and do not necessarily represent official Air Force policy. Spring/Summer 1996 Issue of the Reliability Sciences Bulletin (#23) Fall/Winter 1995 Issue of the Reliability Sciences Bulletin (#22) Spring/Summer 1995 Issue of the Reliability Sciences Bulletin (#21) 1994 Edition of the Reliability Sciences Newsletter (#20) 1993 Edition of the Electronics Reliability Division Status Report (#19) If you would like to subscribe to a printed version of this publication, or if you have comments or suggestions about these publications, please fill out our combined comment/subscription form. Paul Ratazzi last update: 23 September 1996 SIMA Newsletters - Images/Links: 9, 7 - Building 02-530, Room 225 SOLE Source News, SOLE Orlando Chapter - Images/Links: 4, 3 - The October 95 (MS Word 6.0 for Windows format, 493K Zipped) The Word 6.0 Viewer (Viewer for MS Word 6.0 for Windows format files, 1.221M Zipped) Orlando SOLE Symbol Technologies' PDF417 - selected by Defense Department as 2D Symbology f - Images/Links: 2, 6 - Symbol Technologies' PDF417 - selected by Defense Department as 2D Symbology for Logistics applications and EDI label formatting Symbol Technologies' PDF417 - selected by Defense Department as 2D Symbology for Logistics applications and EDI label formatting (NYSE:SBL), the world leader in bar code-based data transaction systems, today announced that PDF417 the densecode symbology developed by Symbol, has been selected by the United States Department of Defense for logistics applications. In a memorandum to the Assistant Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force as well as the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency, the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics said: "PDF417 is recognized as the Department of Defense (DoD) standard two-dimensional (2D) bar code for logistics applications and electronic data interchange (symbology) formatting on paper labels. " PDF417's selection follows the decision last year by the DoD Office of Personnel and Readiness to standardize on PDF417 as the 2D symbology for the military identification card now in global field use. As did the 1982 adoption of LOGMARS (Logistics Applications of Automated Marking and Reading Symbologies) MIL-STD 1189 that included use of the Code 39 bar code, so this latest Department of Defense initiative enables vendors to comply with established standards for bills of lading and advance ship notices, where an EDI-compliant technology is required. The Logistics Pipeline - Images/Links: 2, 4 - Executive Summary The freight transportation industry has undergone a revolutionary change during the last decade. As deregulation spread to all modes of transport, the number of surviving companies declined. Carriers unprotected by regulation discovered they could not differentiate themselves from the competition on price alone. Successful transportation companies must provide prompt pickup, excellent customer service, and swift, complete and damage-free delivery. The motor carrier industry forges a critical link in a multimodal logistics system and must compete against time and service to stay in business. Shippers move cargo over whatever mode provides the best service. The TRANSFORMER Newsletter - Images/Links: 0, 1 - The Transformer has moved to The USAF Science & Technology Bulletin Board - Images/Links: 26, 21 - Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Science and Technology Public Access Planning Information Main Menu R & D Points of Contact Planning & Requirements Docs Commerce Business Daily WPAFB Only Technical Reports Air Force Acquisition Reform Laboratory Information Other Web Sites General Announcements Information Briefings Conference/Tradeshow Info Policies, Guidelines and Laws Contracting Pubs, Specs, and Regs Product Centers Modeling & Simulation for the Warfighter - A Perspective for AF S&T Quality Performance Indicators (. mil Access Only) This document was last modified 21-Nov-96 03:55 tile.net/listserv - Images/Links: 8, 14 - The reference to Internet discussion groups Alphabetical listing by description Alphabetical listing by name Alphabetical listing by subject Grouped by host country Grouped by sponsoring organization For additions, corrections and deletions please see "About". Interested in running your own list? Lyris is here! Hosted by Pro Web Site. TQLEADER -- THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY'S TOTAL QUALITY LEADERSHIP (TQL) NEWSLETTER - Images/Links: 0, 0 - The Navy Public Affairs Library (NAVPALIB) A service of the Navy Office of Information, Washington DC Send feedback/questions to navpalib@opnav-emh.navy.mil TQL701 Supply Center Wins President's Award TQL702 New Tools for TQL Assessment TQL703 TQL Course Wins Award for Technical Excellence TQL704 Case Study: Rotor Blade Removal TQL705 Congratulations TQL706 CNO Says TQL707 FY94 TQL Training Schedule TQL708 Announcements TQL709 Reducing Hazardous Waste Saves Millions TQL710 The TQLeader and You * TQL701 SUPPLY CENTER WINS PRESIDENT'S AWARD The Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, San Diego (FISC-SD), has been selected as a 1993 winner of the President's Council on Management Improvement Award for Management Excellence. Ten activities from throughout the Federal government were selected for this honor. CAPT Ronald T. Johnson, commanding officer of FISC-SD, and RADM John T. Scudi, its former commanding officer, accepted the award in Washington, DC, at the annual Federal Quality Institute conference on July 22. This award represents the essence of President Clinton's drive to Reinvent Government, said keynote speaker Federico Pena, Secretary of Transportation. Transformer Newsletter - Images/Links: 17, 20 - The Transformer is a collection of CrossTell articles which relate to the transportation field. It is a Headquarters United States Air Force Directorate of Transportation initiative to ensure transportation personnel around the globe are provided information to make their jobs easier and more efficient. Access on the Internet is one part in the distribution process, which also includes fax, e-mail, and electronic bulletin board service. This Web page is published by the Joint Personal Property Shipping Office in San Antonio, Texas. We are requesting inputs for issue 11 of The Transformer! Try our new on-line article submission form! Transport News - Images/Links: 0, 0 - Transport News - Your Daily Guide to the Transportation Industry Transportation News - Images/Links: 5, 5 - Washington WeeklyInternational News Congestion Management NewsIntermodal Connections Institute of Transportation Engineers 525 School St. Feedback to ITE -- Send Us Email Transportation Research Board (TRB) Bookstore - Images/Links: 7, 94 - TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD BOOKSTORE Additional info is below. Click here to enter a secure version of the bookstore (transmissions are encrypted) (Note: Netscape 1.1 will cause an error message; Click "OK" and retry, and it will work. Publications Catalog II Design Transportation Research Board (TRB) Publications Program - Images/Links: 7, 94 - TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD BOOKSTORE Additional info is below. Click here to enter a secure version of the bookstore (transmissions are encrypted) (Note: Netscape 1.1 will cause an error message; Click "OK" and retry, and it will work. Publications Catalog II Design Trucker's Connection Home Page - Images/Links: 0, 1 - You have reached an old link, Truckin' Around - Images/Links: 1, 2 - In the old days the boss might take a bite out of your hide when the management process went afoul. Now he merely takes a byte out of his management software to determine where you go and even how you get there. Drivers know the headaches of managing paperwork, but too few understand how their work is increasingly shaped by hardware and software back at headquarters. It pays to know a little about it even if you never lay hands on a keyboard. Ed Forman runs one of the nation's premier publishers and distributors of vehicle loading and routing software systems for the transportation and distribution industry. of Bloomfield, CT, provides three categories of programs that can improve the way you work. TT News - Images/Links: 2, 16 - UFM Weekly Report TT News was one of the sites honored by Roadway Express Online in its President's Top Ten for August 1996. National Average Diesel Fuel Price: The fuel price is supplied by the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy. For more information, go to http://www.eia.doe.gov TT News offers daily updates on trucking and transportation news. U.S. Navy Public Affairs Library - Images/Links: 7, 6 Undersecretary (A&T) Documents - Images/Links: 0, 43 - USD(A&T) Documents Page [ Testimonies ] - [ Speeches ] - [ Press Releases ] - [ Back to ACQWeb ] Statement before a Joint Session of the Subcommittee on Military Research & Development and the "Text Version" "DoD Tactical Aviation Modernization Program" Statement before the Subcommittee on on Seapower of the Senate Committee on Armed Services "Text Version" "C-17 Multi-Year Procurement Request" USA Video - Images/Links: 4, 2 - Welcome to USA Video's "SPECIAL INTEREST VIDEO & CD-ROM ON-LINE CATALOG". where the latest in Video and CD-ROM is only a CLICK away ! Here you will find the world's most exciting selection of videos and CD-ROMs available. Watch and learn with over 7,000 titles on hundreds of subjects including Computers, Business, Finance, Investment, Careers, Hobbies, Academics, Culture, Home Improvement, Health, Exercise, Sports, Games, Entertainment, Relationships, and many more. Our titles will instruct you, educate you, and greatly improve the quality of your life. With several new videos and CD-ROMs now in stock, you are sure to find something interesting. Virtual Logistics - Images/Links: 7, 19 - Journals & Papers Software An objective and comprehensive directory of Logistics Resources (Transportation, Warehousing, Systems, Academic, Research, Law and Consultants) on the Web. The mission of this project is to provide an open, objective global logistics resource to the body of people who would like to see a consolidated resource of Logistics Materials published on the world wide web. This publishing resource is being provided as a "logistics community service" because we believe that it "needs to be done". If you are active in logistics and would like to "publish to the world" and don't quite know where to start. We will be happy to publish with you any research paper or article you have authored or add a link that you would like to see referenced here for you at no charge. Welcome to IHS Logistics Library - Images/Links: 7, 15 - A SGML version of these pages can be also viewed using Softquad's Panorama, a free browser. IHS Logistics Library is defined by the three following words: IHS \ i-ach-es\, n pl abbr Information Handling Services : A global company, in business for 35 years and with headquarters in Denver, Colorado, providing technical and regulatory information to the engineering, business and government communities; with an organized system of collecting, cataloging, collating, indexing and cross-referencing these technical documents into information retrieval systems which are electronic (including CD-ROM) and/or microform-based Logistics \lo-jis-tiks\ n sing or pl (as defined by the 9,000 member Council of Logistics Management) :the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements Library \li-brer-e\ n, pl -braries : a series of reference materials bearing on the same matter usu. Created by IHS Regulatory Products, IHS Logistics Library provides regulatory and operational information to people and businesses interested in making their logistics processes more efficient and cost-effective. This is done by collecting, cataloging, collating ,etc( see IHS) information dealing with the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, etc. ( see Logistics) and storing this organized information in a convenient order for use (see Library). West Publishing - Images/Links: 2, 14 - West Publishing is a leading publisher of legal and educational materials, and a major provider of news, business, and financial information. Our Web site will tell you all about our 120-year history, our new corporate leadership, the latest online services, CD-ROM, software and books, and products and services for legal and business professionals, educators and students. You'll also discover the best way to find a lawyer using our free, searchable Internet directory. World News Conncection - Images/Links: 6, 10 - WNC Description WNC Sample Search Pages WNC Pricing & Subscription Information WNC Technical Requirements WNC Latest Headlines Frequently Asked Questions Comments/Inquiries WTA / WTO & GATT 1994 - Images/Links: 3, 6 - ITL home http://itl.irv.uit.no/trade_law/ Information accessible from International Trade Law. you will be "escorted" to our home page in about 5 seconds. Otherwise, the address you should use is http://itl.irv.uit.no/trade_law http://www.commerce2000.com/logistics/woklnew.htm - Images/Links: 10, 30 - The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Logistics Latest Logistics News from Infoseek ACQWeb - What's New - Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, U.S. Government Air Chronicles Air Force Journal of Logistics - Purpose, The Air Force Journal of Logistics provides an open forum for the presentation of issues, ideas, research, and information of concern to logisticians who plan, acquire, maintain, supply, transport, and provide supporting engineering and services for military aerospace forces. Disclaimer, Views expressed in the articles are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the established policy of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, the Air Force Logistics Management Agency,or the organization where the author works. Approval, The Secretary of the Air Force has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by law of the Department. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Secretary of the Air Force, 17 July 1986, in accordance with AFI 37-160V4. DistributionDistribution within the Air Force is F. Customers should establish requirements through the PDO system on the basis of 1 copy for every 5 logistics officers, top three NCOs, and professional level civilians assigned. Welcome to Trucking Resources - Images/Links: 2, 98 - Welcome to Trucking Resourcescompiled by Custom Design & Consultation We are pleased to present this listing of events and resources relating to commercial vehicle safety. 411 Directory http://www.truckstop.com/DIR411/Home411.html Keith A. Hamblin http://qcontinuum.com/~keard/trucking.html The Internet Truckstop http://www.truckstop.com/ J.J. Keller & Associates http://www.jjkeller.com/welcome.html K-40 http://www.k40.com Log City http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/1524/index.html The Mack Truck Homepage http://www.iquest.net/~mdharter Melton Truck Lines http://www.smally.com Moving and Storage http://www.mover.com/~tall... Keith A. Hamblin... Internet Trucking Magazine - Images/Links: 27, 75 - Keith A. Hamblin BY TRUCKERS FOR TRUCKERS, AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN THE TRUCKING LIFE! © 1995 and 1996 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Keith A. Hamblin FAX @ 1-801-444-3012 This page is sponsored by: The Best Internet Access in Northern Utah. CONWAY WESTERN EXPRESS The Best Freight company and the best employer in the USA. rt comapanies, the global freight network - Images/Links: 13, 7 - RT Companies is an interactive network of professional transportation specialists serving the shipping needs of a diverse range of industries. Our partnerships are based on strong working relationships and the highest ethical standards. RT Companies' Global Freight Network is a single source provider, planning and managing every phase of any commercial shipping process worldwide. Intermodal Dray Services Dedicated Contracts Team Service Extreme Heavy-Haul Over-the-Road Service Logistics Management Project Moves Brokerage Services Local and Linehaul Dray International Air and Ocean Service Transportation Consulting Services Or E-mail Rob Baumgarten . National Accounts, Sales The Keith A. Hamblin Trucking E-Magazine - Images/Links: 27, 75 - Keith A. Hamblin BY TRUCKERS FOR TRUCKERS, AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN THE TRUCKING LIFE! © 1995 and 1996 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Keith A. Hamblin FAX @ 1-801-444-3012 This page is sponsored by: The Best Internet Access in Northern Utah. CONWAY WESTERN EXPRESS The Best Freight company and the best employer in the USA. ttol: ttol faq - Images/Links: 3, 2 - How often is Trucking Times published? Trucking Times is published bi-monthly (six times a year) by Herrmeyer Publishing. Trucking Times reaches over 12,000 people who make a living selling pickup, van, and SUV accessories. Plus, we provide bonus show distribution at AAIW, TCAA, and other shows at our booth and/or magazine bins. We have more show distribution than any other related publication, particularly with our directory issue. With Trucking Times, you know that your message is reaching the largest and the most targeted audience. Newport Communications - Images/Links: 1, 20 - P. O. Box W, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8910 Phone: (714) 261-1636 Fax: (714) 261-2904 If it happens in trucking, Newport's got it covered. Heavy Duty Trucking is the premier magazine of the truck fleet market. Published monthly, it carries more editorial and advertising pages than any other fleet magazine. With a fleet circulation of over 100,000 operators of heavy trucks and trailers, Heavy Duty Trucking covers small, medium and large fleets. The common denominator among these fleets is that they operate Class 7 and/or 8 vehicles. Transportation New, Publications and Magazines - Images/Links: 29, 81 - --> --> TransportWorld, is leading in delivering transportation related information to the Internet community. As a leading site for industry related news, information and resources, we have become the Internets central site for companies to advertise and market their Products and Services. While, we strive to excel in marketing, our focus is "content" driven sites and companies. We aim provide you with a site which is geared towards quality and not burdened by marketing hype. We welcome any comments and information on any sites you feel that your colleagues would benefit. If it's happening in the Transport industry and it affects your business, career or just for knowledge's sake, let TransportWorld bring it together. American Trucking Report - Images/Links: 10, 14 - The American Trucking Report with LowBoy Lucas and Valerie Plommer can be seen on Chicago's WGN-TV, Saturdays at 6AM EST. This is the news team to watch for the latest news and events that shape our competitve industry. LowBoy can be seen at the Joplin Truck Expo show covering the Ultimate Truck beauty contest. You might even catch LowBoy answering his E-mail from one of you drivers or talking on the phone to a corporate sponsor like HighwayMaster or Ford Truck's AeroMax Division. Whatever the job might be, one thing is for sure. LowBoy enjoys running the open road along side the drivers that are moving America's products. TTOL: Association Support - Images/Links: 3, 2 - TTOL: Association Support Trucking Times Association Support Trucking Times supports and promotes various organizations in their efforts to professionalize the industry. In fact, Trucking Times Pickup Accessory Trade Magazine was founded in an effort to promote the Truck Cap and Accessory Association (TCAA). As a founding member of TCAA, Trucking Times has been involved in all of their trade shows and has supported their efforts. Trucking Times is a member of SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) and has been involved in their shows since 1990. TTOL: Testimonial Page - Images/Links: 3, 2 - Here is what some of our regular advertisers have to say about Trucking Times. Dave Madison, Leer Inc. "We've found Trucking Times to be superior in producing leads over any other trade publication for the automotive aftermarket. "Trucking Times has helped our company target a new market and gain access to it in a very cost effective and productive manner. " Lorna Hamlin, Prime Designs "We always feel we're getting our money's worth when we advertise in Trucking Times. TTOL: Trucking Times Home Page - Images/Links: 19, 31 - The Information Authority LIVE Coverage, SEMA/AI Show, begins Monday! ATA Show Coverage, Nashville, 1996 You can do it all from here, including searching the entire Internet. By using the search facility below you have access to the fastest and most comprehensive search engine on the Internet, Alta Vista! "Come here FIRST, then find the rest of the world! Search the Web Usenet and Display the Results in Standard Form in Compact Form in Detailed Form Trans-Media Truck Driver Mall - Images/Links: 24, 81 - Truck Driver Mallsince June 24, 1996 Now is the time for you to start using the "Net" to advertise your truck company, truck driving needs or other business. Kenworth Truck Page Hornady Truck Lines, Inc. George L. Edwards & Associates Consultants in Logistics Management Net-Services, Inc. Bestway Brokerage Software Merlin Internet Service Smith Transport smith@soundcity.net Trans-Media Advertising Charles McAlpin Hansen Trucking Dart Transit Company freightworld Youngblood Truck Lines Truck and Trailer Financing Barry Cole ORIX Credit Alliance, Inc. Debbie McAlpin Colonial Freight Systems Bestway Services ECKmiller Transportation Corporation Boyd Brothers Transportation, Inc. Visit these Business people, ask them about our services. Trans-Media Advertising Mall - Images/Links: 9, 19 - Hire a Professional Team to find them! Automate your Transportation services with Bestway Operations Software. Visit the Truck-Mall - the place where drivers and owners meet! We offer Consulting services - over 50 years experience! McAlpin Corporation, PO Box 1604, Decatur, AL 35602 mcalpin@mcalpin.com Recruiting - Advertising - Truck-Mall - Software - Consulting - Trans-Media - Bestway Web page design & programming by Net Services, Inc. Jeff Foster Trucking, Inc. - Images/Links: 16, 9 - Jeff Foster Trucking, Inc. At Jeff Foster Trucking, our future depends on your shipments arriving Safely and On Time. Located in Superior, Wisconsin, we are a full service transportation company serving the 48 states and Canada. Today and into the next century, we will continue to provide the best possible sevice, at the lowest possible cost. More about Jeff Foster Trucking Employment opportunities and WI. DOT road tests at JFT Late model trucks for sale, airplanes, boats etc. TT News - Images/Links: 2, 16 - UFM Weekly Report TT News was one of the sites honored by Roadway Express Online in its President's Top Ten for August 1996. National Average Diesel Fuel Price: The fuel price is supplied by the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy. For more information, go to http://www.eia.doe.gov TT News offers daily updates on trucking and transportation news. SW Traffic Services 619- 753- 2298 - Images/Links: 4, 19 - SW Traffic Services 619-753-2298 SOUTHWEST TRAFFIC SERVICES Established in 1985, Southwest Traffic Services is your full service truck, rail and distribution consulting company. Our Services: [ Freight Auditing ] [ Freight Consulting ] [ Freight Brokering ] [ Staff and Legal Counsel ] [ California Trucker's Guide ] [ Current Trucking News, The Lewin Letter ] [ Interstate Household Goods Moving & Storage ] [ Intrastate Household Goods Moving & Storage ] [ Cross-border, North American Trucking and NAFTA Updates ] [ Links to Noteworthy Transportation Sites on the Internet ] Our specialty is a pre-audit, auditing the freight bills before payment. Post audits are also performed, but remember the limits of the Trucking Industry Regulatory Reform Act of 1994. United Communications Group - Images/Links: 64, 67 - United Communications Group United Communications Group (UCG) publishes newsletters, special reports, looseleaf services, books, and manuals on many timely topics, and holds conferences and seminars worldwide. We deliver our information in a variety of electronic and non-electronic media to a national and international subscriber base. UCG was founded in 1977 by Bruce Levenson and Edwin Peskowitz. Our first office was located above a modest storefront in downtown Washington, D.C. Oil Express, our first newsletter, began publication in the fall of 1977, and in February 1978, UCG made its first acquisitions with Postal World and Credit Union Information Service. Many more launches and acquisitions followed. NewsPage Sources - Images/Links: 5, 53 - NewsPage receives news from over 600 information sources every business day, filtering through thousands of news stories and keeping only the news items that are relevant to our readers. These sources are listed below, sorted by region and industry. You can also see the current sources in the Basic, Premium, and Pay Per View categories. Attention Publishers - If you generate high-quality industry news content and are looking for a flexible and effective gateway into electronic publishing, please contact Claudio Pinto (cpinto@individual.com) for information on participating in Individual's electronic news services. Energy & Fuel Commercial Policy Guide CLM- Publications - Images/Links: 10, 34 - The professional organization for individuals who have an interest in logistics management. Research Publications The Council undertakes at least one new research project each year. The primary purpose of these projects is to add to the knowledge base of logistics theory and practice. A major objective of the Research Committee is to identify a broad spectrum of potential research topics, as characterized by the terms "risk", "synthesis", and "best practice" that will benefit members of the Council of Logistics Management and non-members in the logistics profession. In 1995, we have completed three research projects; they are listed under current publications, along with previously completed research projects. Current Publications (for a detail description of each follow the link) Supply Chain Directions for a New North America (1995) This book presents the facts about NAFTA, explains its logistical implications, and highlights the opportunities it makes available to North American companies. Society of Logistics Engineers - Images/Links: 49, 57 - Society of Logistics Engineers Society of Logistics Engineers (SOLE) Job Search Application Transportation Logistics Hot Topics Contact SOLE The Society of Logistics Engineers is a non-profit international professional society composed of individuals organized to enhance the art and science of logistics technology, education and management. The Society is not sponsored by any group, company or other association. Accessing this section will provide information on the following topics: Introduction to the Society of Logistics Engineers (SOLE) What the SOLE Logo Means Book Store: Contains the Publications List and Gift Sales Items Entertainment: Loggies need to have fun too! Transport News - Images/Links: 0, 0 - Transport News - Your Daily Guide to the Transportation Industry Transport News: Ocean News - Images/Links: 0, 0 - Transport News - Your Daily Guide to the Transportation Industry Shipping Times: Air& Land Transport News - Images/Links: 1, 19 - Shipping Times: Air & Land Transport News Shipping Times Online: Air & Land Transport News 28 NOV 1996 Tokyo airlines ask govt permission to raise fares Move comes after Iata agreement to increase fares to pass on fuel cost rise to passengers DHL to set up Philippine cargo centre It plans to lease space inside Clark aviation complex Govt pledges lower landing fees at Aussie airports Fleet Operator- News - Images/Links: 1, 2 - News from the Association of Car Fleet Operators Tyne Tees time (22/11/96) Northern Rock Building Society are hosting the next ACFO Tyne Tees region's meeting, which takes place on Thursday December 5th at Northern Rock House in Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1996 Budget (22/11/96) Fleet Operator will be bringing you up to date with any important fleet related proposals in next Tuesday's budget. You will find the lates news on our Internet site, the address for which is http://www.bizjet.com/fleet/ The main issues will be covered in next week's News Fax. ACFO Membership Secretariat (14/11/96) As part of its programme of looking forward to the next millenium, ACFO is inviting individuals or organisations with the necessary expertise to apply to provide Membership Secretariat services to the Association. ACFO Chairman Tony Leigh told News Fax: "As part or the ACFO 2000 recruitment programme we asked a small group of members to look at the current situation and suggest how membership matters might be handled in the future. Energy Utility Benchmark and Merger Publications from... - Images/Links: 26, 23 - Energy Utility Benchmark and Comparison Publications from TECC Group, Inc. TECC GROUP, INC. Table of Contents Introduction to TECC Group, Inc. U.S. Electric Utility Publications U.S. Natural Gas Local Distribution Company Publications U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Publications TECC Special Reports and Consulting Services How to Order TECC Publications Links to Energy Industry Information Calendar of Industry Events Introduction to TECC Group, Inc. TECC Group, Inc. TNN Logistics News - Images/Links: 1, 35 - Daily News from The Transport News Network 20/11/96 Two GSM-based communications systems launched 18/11/96 Steven Norris accepts RHA job 15/11/96 Congestion trend getting worse, FTA survey suggests 15/11/96 UK National Freight and Transport Yearbook published 14/11/96 A1 diversion for abnormal loads 12/11/96 Haulage costs rise at three times inflation 8/11/96 Road and rail miles apart, Lombard survey shows 31/10/96 UK hauliers lobby on fuel 31/10/96 PHH launches into daily truck rental 30/10/96 Echo for Olivetti deliveries 30/10/96 TNT can't cope with Christmas post 29/10/96 Safe loading guide from FTA 29/10/96 New whisky centre opens 29/10/96 London calling: P-E studies logistics in the capital 29/10/96 Portsmouth Commercial Port adds much-needed space 28/10/96 Centrex training organisation announces management changes 28/10/96 HSE issues its leaflet on dangerous goods 25/10/96 Germans suspend TIR withdrawal but crisis remains 25/10/96 Freight Transport Association hails success of M25 24/10/96 Belfast ferry service improved 23/10/96 Tesco plots revolution in primary distribution 23/10/96 Low-height Iveco for car haulage 23/10/96 Germans force final decision on TIR carnet scheme 22/10/96 Dutch hauliers miles ahead in Black Box application 22/10/96 British tacho analysis company targets Europe 22/10/96 Cheaper communications from NB3 21/10/96 Haulier calls for driver blacklist 18/10/96 Increase in night-time trucking 'is inevitable' 18/10/96 Tracker security system gets up-grade 18/10/96 European logistics show to clone itself in US 14/10/96 LEP Appoints Senior Executive for Saudi 11/10/96 Merlin Wins Belling Contract 10/10/96 Speakers Line up for First World Logistics Conference 10/10/96 Unofficial 'Liberalisation' Of Post Systems 09/10/96 United Transport Invests... TNN Logistics News - Images/Links: 1, 2 - Daily News from The Transport News Network A SELECTION OF FEATURES ARE AVAILABLE ON TRUCK'S NEWS NET, TAKE YOUR PICK FROM THE FOLLOWING: Tailor made Alan Bunting looks at Mobil's fleet of far-from-standard ERFs Made to measure Taylored Lines is aiming for a TNN Logistics News - Images/Links: 1, 25 - Daily News from The Transport News Network 28/11/96 French Announce Total Ban on Sunday Driving 28/11/96 Transports Drouin under Receiver 26/11/96 Union tries to help stranded truckers 26/11/96 French blockade tightens 20/11/96 Eurostar and through freight trains take priority 20/11/96 Channel Tunnel fire quickly knocked out rear locomotive 14/11/96 LEP flies into Cambodia 13/11/96 Intermodal show in London 6/11/96 Stena to put larger vessel on Irish route 1/11/96 American takes charge of Le Shuttle Freight 31/10/96 Pandoro boat back to Dublin 11/9/96 Stena Challenger Strengthens Irish Route 11/9/96 New Security Code for Channel Tunnel Groupage Shipping to Russia - An Overview Owner-driver jailed for tacho offences French veto 25m trucks Missing link completed on the railroad between Istanbul and Beijing Shipments to the Former Soviet Union Long-haul drivers miss out in Swedish awards Freightliner aims to top new and used markets Tunnel to take RoadRailers Joint lobby for Dutch and German interests FTA man gets top job at IRU Tracking trucks via Agros TNN Index TNN Logistics News - Images/Links: 1, 18 - Daily News from The Transport News Network 29/10/96 Thermo King's new control system for industry favourite 28/10/96 Detroit Diesel copes with market decline 28/10/96 Carver wants to warm cabs 14/10/96 Lype Launches New 430mm Clutch 10/10/96 Trailer Maker Offers Faster Speccing 09/10/96 New Wipers From Champion 27/9/96 TDG Hires Tyres By the Mile From Bridgestone 25/9/96 Bridgestone is World's Biggest Tyre Company ERF explains preference for ZF Tyre management from SP Michelin launches 'green' tyre Speed limiter fitment way behind Lucas Heavy Duty Brake Systems... directory of news sources - Images/Links: 4, 273 - NATIONAL PRESS CLUB "The National Press Club's Directory of News Sources is an easy-to-use tool for reporters and editors who need key contacts quickly. " -- Andrew Alexander, Deputy Bureau Chief, Cox Newspapers Washington Bureau Dear Colleagues: The National Press Club's membership directory has long been recognized as an essential reference for club members, both as a guide to the Club and to fellow members. In 1994, the membership directory achieved a new dimension with the addition of a resource section. The Directory of News Sources was meant to be a journalist's tip-of-the-fingers guide to expertise. U-Freight Home Page - Images/Links: 18, 39 - The U-Freight Group of Companies World's First International Air Freight Forwarder with INTERACTIVE Home Page Shipment Tracking FAQs and registration forms U-Freight offices and agents profile Sample forms of commercial invoice, packing lists, AWB, export declaration POA/POD data entry(U-Freight official only) U-Freight Singapore Warehouse Some pictures of the warehouse --> PressXpress Press Release News Distribution and Website... - Images/Links: 2, 16 - PressXpress News and Product Release Distribution ATTN new and referred clients: Please note we have modified our service name. Our service is now called The Xpress Press Service. Please direct business associates to our new domain at www.xpresspress.com. Thank you for your continued support. The Xpress Press Service is the Internet's original professional service for distributing press releases. marine digest& transportation news - Images/Links: 1, 9 - MARINE DIGEST & TRANSPORTATION NEWS MARINE DIGEST & TRANSPORTATION NEWS Marine Digest, the Pacific Coast's authority for maritime trade transportation since 1922, is pleased to present to the World Wide Web the Maritime Links page. STEAMSHIP LINES & AGENTS Please address all correspondance to marinedigest@marinedigest.com P.O. Box 3905, Seattle, WA 98124, U.S.A. Phone: (206) 682-3607 Fax: (206) 682-4023 Department of Transportation Notices/ News - Images/Links: 3, 4 - Department of Transportation Notices/News Department of Transportation Notices/News Department of Transportation Notices/News Select a Sort Order Alphabetically by Title Date Posted On-line Deadline Date Relevance to Search Term Byte Size, Creation Date, Expiration Date Official Transport WORLD Cargo - Images/Links: 91, 291 - TransportWorld - The Official Index (Cargo) TransportWorld, is leading in delivering transportation related information to the Internet community. Cargo means services involved in the movement of goods around the world or down the street by any medium Air Freight, Ship, Truck or Rail. Associated services such as Freight Forwarder, Technology, Insurance, Consultants, Equipment, Legal and Financial, Storage and Logistics among many more all brought together at TransportWorld. As a leading site for industry related news, information and resources, we have become the Internets central site for companies to advertise and market their Products and Services. Lile Logistics Services Glossary( Export) - Images/Links: 2, 126 - Lile Logistics Services Glossary (Export) Lile Logistics Services Glossary of Export Terms Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary. If the term you are looking for starts with a digit or symbol, choose the '#' link. (Ocean) - Term applied to cargoes that are not containerized due to size, weight or other considerations. The SMART Library - Images/Links: 2, 256 - [BTS Home Page] - [Index] - [Search] - [Feedback] - [About] If you know of transportation research and planning information which is not listed below, please write to: wwwadmin@bts.gov Transportation Research and Planning Information Categorized by Sub-Topic: Access and Intermodal Connectivity Aviation Bicycles and Pedestrians Congestion Management Directories and References Economic Impacts Energy and Environment Expenditure Programming Facilities Design and Maintenance Management Freight Geographic Information System High Speed Ground Transportation Land Use Law and Regulations Management Systems Parking Public Participation and Outreach Right-of-Way... News Release Contract Aircraft Repair (CAR) Lean Logistics Study -- WR-ALC Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (WR-ALC) formed a cross-functional team (contractors, DLA, DCMC, SPOs, etc.) to develop initiatives and ideas System Program Offices could use in preparing, administering, and supporting aircraft repair contracts that result in reducing throughput (Flowdays) by 50%, reducing cost by 30%, and improving customer satisfaction by 20%. This report documents the results of this effort and is available at the C-130 System Program Office web page. Contact: Ed Humphreys Address: C-130 System Program Office, WR-ALC/LB, 265 Ocmulgee Court, Robins AFB, GA 31098 News Release ACQUISITION REFORM NOW AR Now is an electronic mail tip sheet from the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense designed to let you know what's happening in acquisition reform and to tell you where you can find out more about the acquisition revolution. If you have comments, questions or contributions, send an e-mail to edit-now@acq.osd.mil or call 1-800-811-4869. If you want to subscribe, send a message to majordomo@acq.osd.mil and in the body of the message type: subscribe ar-now. If you have subscribed and have not received notification of acceptance within 24 hours, send an e-mail to info-now@acq.osd.mil or call 1-800-811-4869. COMMERCIAL ADVOCATES FORUM The Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform) has announced a new electronic Commercial Advocates Forum to accelerate implementation of new Department of Defense responsibilities to advocate the acquisition of commercial items and the use of commercial practices, while challenging and eliminating remaining barriers to such acquisition and practices. The Forum will be launched as an active on-line community on Acquisition Reform Day, May 31, 1996, (at URL http://www.acq.osd.mil/ar/cadv.htm) to facilitate communication with and among procuring activity commercial advocates for sharing of lessons learned, market research information, and best practices, both commercial and government. News Release DEFENSE ACQUISITION DESKBOOK The Operational Test Version of the Defense Acquisition Deskbook released in May 1996. The release (Ver 1.0) shows the capability of the software and helps validate the distribution system. This version contains many of the primary DoD acquisition references used on a regular basis. Included in this release is DoDD 5000.1, DoD 5000.2-R, the FAR and DFAR, as well as some supporting information intended to help you make informed decisions while performing various acquisition activities. The official first release will be available in July. It will include more of the discretionary information refined from the 5000 series rewrite and even more service or agency-specific information. The continual process of reviewing, editing and coordinating data will result in a subsequent release in September of 1996. Starting in FY97, revisions will be made available to you on a quarterly basis. If you have any questions or comments contact: Defense Acquisition Deskbook Joint Program Office Customer Support: DSN 785-0423; Comm (513) 255-0423 News Release TRANSLOG '97 AND LISTSERV The Society of Logistics Engineers (SOLE) announces an exciting new initiative in Transportation Logistics. In January 1996, SOLE has opened an international discussion forum on transportation issues for the 21st century over the World Wide Web (WWW). The goal is to provide all interested parties with a non-parochial and unrestricted medium for sharing their concerns and ideas for solutions to the transportation challenges of the next century. SOLE believes that the discussion should span both commercial and military issues and should address the applicability of dual use technology. The WWW open forum will continue throughout 1996 and the discussions will be framed using six stages of a well-established decision-making process/tool. The decision making process will be explained "on-line" shortly after the forum is made public. The long term objective of this SOLE initiative is for the WWW discussions to progress through problem identification, examination of alternative solutions and ultimate resolution of what are perceived to be the major transportation issues; all of which will culminate in a major international transportation symposium and exhibition - TRANSLOG '97. Therefore, subsequent to the initiation of the WWW open forum discussions on transportation logistics, SOLE will circulate a call for papers, group leaders, guest speakers and exhibitors for TRANSLOG '97. TRANSLOG '97 will be held in the Washington D.C. area in the Fall of 1997. State-of-the-art, innovative and futuristic exhibits will compliment an exciting, three day technical program of plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, workshops and panels. SOLE expects that this conference will be the premiere transportation event of 1997 and is pleased to invite you to participate. For more information send an E-mail to Katherine O'Dea at SOLEHQ@AOL.COM or Al Welch at WELCHEA@pentemh4.army.mil or visit the SOLE home page at: http://www.telebyte.com/sole/sole.html. Other News Resources 13 URLs, Summaries current as of: 11/28/96 1996 Budget - Images/Links: 5, 5 - The Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1996 contains the Budget Message of the President and presents the President's budget proposals. Electronic access to the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1996 is provided by STAT-USA, of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Search the complete text of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1996. Mid-Session Review of the 1996 Budget (HTML format) View the Budget in Portable Document Format (PDF). Connect to the STAT-USA Gopher containing the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1996.American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 1995 Publications Catalog - Images/Links: 6, 19 - 1995 AIAA Publications Catalog The text styles and bullet lists will be reintroduced instead of using the fixed font currently used. Aerodynamics Atmospheric Flight Mechanics, Astrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation, and Control Missile Science Defense Science Aerospace Design Structures, Structural Dynamics, Materials, and Mechanical Reliability Propulsion, Power, Combustion and Reactive Systems Software and Satellite Systems Space Sciences and Systems References and Research Backlist Titles Periodicals Gift Items Index and Author Index Ordering Information Please note: With some viewers, the file must be finished loading before the Table of Contents links work. The American Institute of Aernautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the largest professional technical society, principal voice, and information resource devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation and space. AIAA's mission is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aerospace and to nurture and promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits. AIAA seeks to meet the professional needs and interests of members, as well as to improve the public understanding of the profession and its contributions. Bookport - Images/Links: 2, 36 - Internet Road Map to Books The Internet Book Fair A home for publishers' Web pages, with a Publishers Index, Booksellers Index, and more. If you're interested in books, join this mailing list for announcements about books and book-related WWW sites. CPIC Technical and Professional Bookstore - Images/Links: 0, 3 - OUR PRODUCT LINE: Specialty Books and CD-ROMS Go to the front door now OUR PRICES: Most products are substantially discounted - payment accepted in U.S. or Canadian dollars. CATEGORIES: Engineering - Technical Trades - Manufacturing - Science - Computer - Business - Medical COMPANY: Founded in 1985, Member of American Booksellers Association and Canadian Booksellers Association * You will find new bargains here every month, please bookmark this site and visit here frequently. Visitor number 1207th Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) - Images/Links: 29, 31 - Defense Technical Information Center DTIC's Administrator, Kurt Molholm, and Deputy Administrator, R. Paul Ryan, welcome you to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Home Page. DTIC serves as a vital link in providing defense-related information to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. If your browser is not configured for audio, here is a (text) version. This is a U.S. Government Computer System, read this warning. Economics, Production, Supply, and Logistics - Images/Links: 4, 9 - Second World War Books: Bibliography by Subject Stone & Stone Second World War Books Guide to our Website Mailing List Sell Your Books Free Book Search Service Bibliography by Subject: Economics, Production, Supply, and Logistics List of Subject Categories Economics, Production, Supply, and Logistics Journal Graphics: Topic List - Transportation - Images/Links: 0, 0 KBC On-Line Book Store List - Images/Links: 0, 0 LMI - Reports in the Library - Images/Links: 2, 4 - LMI -- Reports in the Library Reports in this list are available from LMI free of charge to US federal government agencies by sending an email to library@lmi.org. Others may purchase reports from the National Technical Information Service at (703) 487-4650 or send $20 per report (prepaid) to Logistics Management Institute Library, 2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805. Please enter your search parameters below, and press the "SEARCH" button. Note: This page only works if your browser supports forms. Author (optional): Title (optional): LMI Group (Optional): No group selected Acquisition Group Advanced Systems and Resource Analysis Group Distribution and Health Systems Logistics Group Energy and Environment Group Facilities and Economic Impacts Group Force Management Group Information Systems Group Integrated Data Strategies Group International Programs Group Mathematical Modeling Group Mathematical Modeling Group Operational Logistics Group Supply and Maintenance Group Transportation and Retail Systems Group Keywords: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) - Images/Links: 10, 16 - National Technical Information Service (NTIS) National Technical Information Service The Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1996 (116th edition) is now available from NTIS. Order by credit card through NTIS OrderNow Online To locate through OrderNow, enter the appropriate order number in the Product id field. For Soft cover edition, enter order number PB96-965801 for $30 plus handling fee. For Hard cover edition, enter order number PB96-965301 for $35 plus handling fee. NewsLink Menu© 1995 - Images/Links: 3, 40 - Top 10 --US News "Top 100" --PC Magazine "Best newspaper index" --GNN "4 stars" Politics & Pop Culture 1 college paper World Wide Trade Service - Images/Links: 0, 0 - World Wide Trade Service WWW Virtual Library, Electronic Journals - Images/Links: 1, 65 - The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Electronic Journals The newest version is available here! Information categorised by subject. Please mail www-request@info.cern.ch if you know of online information not in these lists. This list has just been started. 3W - Global Network Newsletter Bad Subjects, Political Education For Everyday Life (a student journal) BLINK Magazine The Bottom Line is an electronic magazine for bassists. Offline Magazines, Newsletters, Periodicals and Journals
WWW Virtual Library of Logistics Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox, logistics@logisticsworld.com Sponsored by LogisticsWorld. Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 MDC, All rights reserved. |