Welcome to the LogisticsWorld Logistics
Glossary. The LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary is more than a list of terms and
definitions. It is an interactive tool for learning and exploring logistics on the world
wide web.
You can browse the glossary using the alphabetical index, or search the glossary using
the keyword search form. A complete glossary index is also
available from which to select and view listings.
Each listing contains related terms, acronyms that may be associated with the term, and
images from the LogisticsWorld Graphics Gallery when applicable. The glossary includes a
search wizard that allows you to search the LogisticsWorld Logistics Database, the
LogisticsWorld Acronym Database, and any of the major internet search engines. You can
keep track of your activities with the Search History feature that displays a running list
of the terms you have searched. The glossary also allows you to customize the display by
turning on or off certain features.
Enjoy, and feel free to send any comments or suggestions you
Give it go! Search for "transportation"