
Country Profile
Flag of Australia
Comment:ISO includes Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Coral Sea Islands
Government URL:http://www.fed.gov.au
Area:7686850 sq km
Population:20,264,082 (CIA World Factbook est as of 2006)
Population:20366.319 (United Nations est as of 2006, in thousands)
Population Men:10058.762
Population Women:10307.557
Annual Growth Rate:1.105 %
Birth Rate:12.14 %
Death Rate:7.51 %
Life Expectancy:80.5 years
Infant Mortality Rate:4.63 %
Fertility Rate:1.76 %
HIV AIDS Adult Prev Rate:0.1 %
HIV AIDS Living With:14,000
Labor Force:10,660,000
Unemployment Rate:4.9 %
GDP Per Capita:$32,900
GDP Purchasing Power:$666,300,000,000
GDP Real Growth:2.8
Industrial Growth:-3.5
Inflation Rate CP:3.8 %
Investment Gross Fixed:26.8
Public Debt:14.1
Capital Population:327700
Capital Coordinates:35 17 S, 149 08 E
UTC Offset:10
Washington D.C. UTC Offset Note:15 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time:+1hr, begins last Sunday in October; ends last Sunday in March (ended first Sunday in April 2006)
Merchant Marine:53 (total ships 1,000 GRT or over)
Waterways:2000 km
Roadways:810641 km
Railways:47738 km
Airports:455 (total paved or unpaved)
Internet Users:14663622
Internet Hosts:7772888
Telephones Mobile:18,420,000
Telephones Main:11460000
Debt External:$585,100,000,000
Foreign Exchange Reserves:$48,250,000,000
Current Account Balance:-$41,620,000,000
Natural Gas Reserves:821,200,000,000
Natural Gas Imports:0
Natural Gas Exports:10,660,000,000
Natural Gas Consumption:26,370,000,000
Natural Gas Production:37,030,000,000
Electricity Consumption:209,500,000,000
Electricity Production:225,300,000,000
Oil Consumption:877,300
Oil Exports:523,400
Oil Imports:530,800
Oil Production:530,000
Oil Reserves:3,664,000,000

 Map of Australia
Map of Australia


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